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A New Kind of Leadership

Transform the Way You Motivate Your Teams

Performance mindset coaching works. At Valor, our coaching works even better — and we can prove it. Give us a few minutes and we’ll show you how our Valor Coaches can inspire your people and make an immediate impact.

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Valor Clients Get Real Results

A quick demo typically takes 20-30 minutes, but we often find that people want to learn more, so we’re happy to extend the call or schedule additional time at your convenience. In the demo, we'll show you why organizations like Salesforce and HubSpot chose Valor.

86% Accelerated recruited and hiring performance to enhance headcount growth 

61% of coaching clients report improved business management skills after Valor Coaching 

Performance Mindset Expertise

200+ years of combined expertise in performance mindset coaching

Vast Backgrounds

World-Class Valor Coaching (Including Olympians, Top PhD's, Former Special Forces


The Easy-To-Use Platform with Measurable, Scalable Results 

Cross-Functional Collaboration:

Effective cross-functional collaboration was crucial for Upwork's operational success, and they required a solution that could help facilitate this.

What to Expect

Access to live chats with coaches, extensive courses, and more.

We’ll start with a few questions about the opportunities and challenges you’re facing within your organization. Then, we’ll have a conversation about:How Valor Works, What a typical coaching engagemenet includes, Real-world impact from Valor Clients, How we can customize a coaching package for your organization, and any other questions you might have. 

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Improve Individual Performance & Fuel Organizational Growth

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