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Valor Coaching For Revenue Teams

Driving Performance
for High Impact Teams

We train your team to be ready – and to excel – no matter what lies ahead for measurably better performance, every quarter.

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Perform Under Pressure

Strategic and Scalable

Ignite a performance mindset, maintain momentum, and deliver revenue-producing results with Valor's one-on-one online coaching platform.  We tailor the program to outline strengths, address performance gaps, and execute organizational goals to drive productivity and up-skill your revenue teams.


86% of participants' organizations saw a positive return from their coaching engagements. 


85% of participants report improved performance and effectiveness at work following Valor.

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Advance front-line managers

Develop the behaviors that leaders need to foster a team that thrives under pressure and continues to drive business.

Shape a team of industry leaders

Ignite a competitive edge by equipping your sales leaders with the mindsets & skills to support the entire sales pipeline from start to close.

Increase sales revenue

Fuel motivations by developing the key mindsets that encourage and enable sustained high performance.  

Reward high performers

Guide your strongest performers through change & challenge with an external resource so they can focus on building new skills & doing what they do best  – perform.


Participants achieved notable progress guiding their teams toward goals, with a 30% increase from the initial assessment.

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98% of participants report making significant progress toward goals.

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Participants saw an overall 18%  reduction of stress levels after working with Valor.

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Growth Mindset

Performance Psychology

For professionals that deal with demanding workloads, it's imperative that the necessary support is in place to avoid feeling burnt out. Our coaches are experts when it comes to performing under pressure. They provide sales managers with training and coaching based on the foundation of performance psychology.

Tailored to You

By using a personalized approach, Valor sales performance coaching adjusts how leaders think and act in various situations — which leads to notable improvements in their performance on the job.

Customized based on  your organization’s needs, the industry you’re in, and the challenges you might face, Valor Coaching aligns leaders with skills and behaviors to excel.

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Level up Your Team's Performance & Drive More Revenue

Book a Valor Coaching for Sales Performance Demo.