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Case Studies

Coaching for Leading Yourself & Others Through Challenge & Change

Learn from real-life examples how refined leadership skills can drive organizational success, foster a culture of excellence, and enhance overall performance. 

Fostering Sustainable Excellence:
URMC’s Journey to Empowered Leadership and Well- being with Valor Performance
Oracle Builds a High-Performance Mindset in Employees with Valor Performance
Cultivating Success:
How Valor Performance Super-charged Upwork's Internal Development Program
Women in Healthcare: A Journey to Support and Enhance Female Clinician Leadership at Kaiser Permanente

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creative workplace

Fostering Leadership Excellence through Creativity and Innovation

As we enter and embrace 2024, time just never seems to slow down. Life is fast-paced and it’s only getting faster. It’s the exact reason why new...

leader listening to team

Elevating Performance through Effective Time Management

When it comes to mastering the art of leadership, time management is a skill that must not be overlooked. It's what distinguishes truly outstanding...


Navigating Effective Subordinate Communication

At the core of being a great leader isn't just about giving orders or having fancy plans. It's about something more powerful: being able to connect...

female nurse in leadership

Guiding Healthcare Heroes: Leadership Development and Coaching in Nursing

Healthcare is complex. From nurses to doctors and everything in between, there’s a lot of moving pieces for the faculty to juggle. Which is why...

How Using an Online Coaching Platform Can Benefit New Managers

How Using an Online Coaching Platform Can Benefit New Managers

Let’s talk about professional development. The landscape of professional development is pretty dynamic. Professional development programs are nothing...

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