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Valor Performance Online Coaching

Valor Partnerships

Some of the world’s leading organizations and highest-performing companies choose Valor to coach their top talent. Why? See for yourself what they have to say about our impact.

Designed for busy leaders

Partnerships that fuel performance

Our combination of self-directed learning and one-on-one digital coaching can be easily accessed from anywhere at any time enabling teams to grow and develop when it works best for them. 



34% increased revenue growth within 1 year of working with Valor

Of participants report Valor positively impacted their performance at work

"[My coach] has been extremely valuable at helping me realize my strengths and work on how I can better communicate." 

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 Claudia Arriaga | OpenGov

"Valor has been one of the most successful programs that we’ve rolled out."

Virtual Webinar  Sept 6  2pm ET (2)

Adam Alfono | Salesforce

"I not only was able to increase my mental bandwidth and capacity to be higher functioning at work, but I also have been able to improve my skills with stakeholder management, coaching and advocating for my team."

Madison Pinckes Manager, Inbound sales strategy, Klaviyo

Madison Pinckes | Klaviyo

"My sessions with [my coach] have been invaluable. Her coaching has helped me gain confidence, recognize new areas of opportunity, and work on my underdeveloped skills as a leader."

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Alexandra Wallitsch | Klaviyo

"Valor was instrumental in my team's ability to hit our numbers in Q2." 

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Jessica Bicknell | LinkSquares

" [I got] tangible takeaways that will help me identify my core values"

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 David Spolidoro | OpenGov

"Did giving me Valor improve my job satisfaction and commitment to Salesforce? Short answer is yes.”

Adam Alfano | Salesforce

"I became better at a few things with Valor: not letting emotions get in the way of negotiating, time allocation and prioritization, and how to be more resourceful and aware."

Tonya Counter | Salesforce

"Without a doubt, Valor has improved my sales team performance and saved me time. What could be better than that?"

Mike Mattson | OpenGov

"Working with Valor has absolutely boosted my confidence, helped me define my goals and has helped me gain clarity in my purpose."

Valor Participant

"Talking through some of the reasons I felt ‘stuck’ helped me re-frame my thinking and be more conscious of small steps I was taking in my day toward (or away) from my goals."

Valor Participant

"[My Coach] really helped me articulate and clarify what is important to me and what has given me energy. I had never taken the time to be so introspective about the path behind me and the path forward."

Valor Participant


Participants achieved notable progress guiding their teams toward goals, with a 30% increase from the initial assessment.

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98% of Participants report making significant progress toward goals.

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Participants saw an overall 18%  reduction of stress levels after working with Valor.

Read case study



Helping HubSpot Unlock a Performance Mindset

Helping HubSpot unlock a performance mindset

"Valor coaching helped me develop a performance mindset, taught me how to avoid burnout, and helped me with goal setting/accountability. I would highly recommend Valor to any business professional that is looking to level up as a leader."

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Improve Individual Performance & Fuel Organizational Growth

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